Pro Coders
Saturday, July 27, 2024
  Coders / View Profile
tamago   Rating 10.00
Date joined: 10/23/2004
City/State/Country: Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Total won projects: 1
Finished accepted projects: 1
Currently open projects: 0
Canceled projects: 0
Arbitrations: 0
Spoken languages:  
Work History
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Way I like to handle projects
Programming languages
Design suites and programs
Coders Ranking
General Global Ranking
Total score: 6000
Current position: # 6 of 20
Monthly Global Ranking for  July / 2024
Total score: --
Current position: --
05/2005 Coder of the Month
Rating detail
Project Rating Rated by Comments
Basic Class Reunion Website 10 Web Native Jill did a great. She kept things moving even when I was pulled away on other things. Thanks! 
Bonus Received


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